Need more fields for Updates

In the current state of the API V2, there are only 2 fields available for updates, id, and body. Most importantly however, we need the item the update belongs to and preferably the time it was created. I need to be able to send the most recent updates with information about the pulse it belongs to. We can create a query that looks like the following:

  updates (limit: 5){

to get the 5 most recent updates and by keeping track of the previous last id received to find which updates are new but now in order to get information about the pulse this update belongs to, i need to send another query like the following:

query {
  boards (ids: $board_id){

then search for the matching new id’s to actually use these updates for anything. This is not only slow but wastes complexity and could easily be improved by providing an item field inside of each update as well as information such as the user posting the update, the time it was posted, and anything else that exists inside of an update.

Hey @jchapman,
These are great ideas to improve our API.
I will add them to our plan :slight_smile:

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hey @jchapman
just wanted to let you know we added more fields for updates!
you can see all the Update fields here:
also I think that the ‘create_update’ webhook can be a great solution for you. Check out this post for more information: Webhooks open beta


This makes things a ton better and faster. Thank you so much.

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Hi. Do you know how i can subscribe to get notified when an update is updated or deleted, using API v2? Webhook for create_update event is very useful but not enough.
Thank you in advance!