At the moment, it seems the newest_first
argument does not work on item queries in the new API. Is it still supported? If not, how does one reproduce that functionality in the new API?
Hello there @kolaai,
At the moment, there is no way to order by creation date, but I have shared this with our R&D team and we will implement it in the future.
I will let you know here when that happens.
Hello @Matias.Monday,
Thank you but this is a breaking change that is not mentioned anywhere. In fact, it is an important feature and I’m wondering why it was removed. Say you have 1000s of items on a board and would like to get the last added item, does it mean that currently there is no way to do that?
Hello again,
Until the team implements it, there is no way to do this directly like it used to be.
I will share your feedback with the team so that we can announce this and with the team in charge of the implementation, so that they can take your feedback into account.
Hello again @kolaai,
I shared this with the R&D team and heard back immediately. They said they are working on this and it will be ready very soon. I will update you when it is!
Great news. Thank you very much
Hello again @kolaai,
I was just informed that we will implement a way to sort by created_at and last_updated this week.
Beware of announcements
Hi there!
Eagerly awaiting this feature as well!
Was wondering what progress is looking like from the Monday team in this regard.
Hello everyone!
You can use these queries now to order your results (documentation on the way):
boards(ids: [1234567890]) {
query_params: {order_by: [{column_id: "__creation_log__", direction: desc}]}
) {
items {
boards(ids: [1234567890]) {
query_params: {order_by: [{column_id: "__last_updated__", direction: asc}]}
) {
items {
Great news! Thank you
Happy to help @kolaai !
Link to the announcement!
It would be fantastic to allow us to query the board based on the order displayed to the user. For example, if the items have been rearranged manually or sorted via the sort option.
Is this on the roadmap?
Hi @samicaracand!
It is in the roadmap and I have added your vote for that request (No ETA yet)