Hi i Am trying to to call next_items_page in C# with graph API below string
string queryNextQuery = “{ "query": "” + @“{ next_items_page(cursor: “”” + cursorObj + “", limit: 2) { cursor items { id name } } }” + “" }”;
Its working in Monday API play ground but when we call from C# application its throw error
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Fri, 30 Sept 2024 16:46:42 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
x-request-id: 1b0d73bf-b731-99b8-b1a0-0308cc78235e
x-runtime: 8.957594
@knpashish since it’s working via the playground, then the problem is within C# code. It looks like it’s related to formatting strings GraphQL query in C#.
I’ve been recommending that the documentation examples be changed to use variables and eliminate the inline injection of values into the string for a couple years because those without serious graphql experience will go off the examples and find themselves in the nightmare of string escaping all over.