Operator: not_any_of for status columns is not working

here’s my request:

query {
boards(ids: [BOARDID]) {
limit: 1,
query_params: {
rules: [{
column_id: “status21__1”,
compare_value: [“UNPAID”],
operator: not_any_of
operator: and
) {
items {
What I want to get is all items that don’t have specific status, but whatever details I write in compare_value I receve the same item. the item have ‘PAID’ status, so if I write there PAID not_any_of it anyway returns me the same answer.

To get more specific - I get that from the playground, so it’s not issue on my side.

Hi @crushtest,

Would you be able to open a ticket here? Our team can take a look at your query and help you get the data you need!


opened ticket, thanks

Thank you for that @crushtest !

Our team will take a look into it!

This was solved? I’m facing the some problem

It was solved. But like two days ago it started again. I took not_any_of one status, and it showed me items with that status as well. IDK how and why

Hello everyone!

If you experience any issues with this now, please fill this form adding as much information as possible to it so that our team can take a look into it, in case you have not created a ticket yet. If you already have an email thread with us, please continue using that thread to work on this with our support team :smile: