Query Regarding User Details from Monday.com

Hello All,

I’m attempting to retrieve user details from Monday.com via API. However, upon comparing the results from the API with user profiles, I’ve noticed a discrepancy in the user IDs. The IDs fetched from the API appear to be numeric, whereas the IDs displayed in the profiles are alphanumeric. Could someone advise me on how to obtain the alphanumeric IDs as shown in the attached screenshot?


Thank you!

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Hello there @PR_kotla,

The ID you show in your screenshot is a custom field added manually. It is not the monday’s user ID. Our API does not retrieve those custom fields.

To get the monday user IDs of your users, you can use a query like this one:

  users(limit: 10000) {

Let me know if you have any other questions :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for update @Matias.Monday

Happy to help @PR_kotla !!