Removing "(copy)" when I duplicate tasks and allow us to also duplicate subitem updates

There are instances where I need to create a group of tasks, with subitems, and updates and just duplicate it multiple times (same reoccurring tasks on a month to month basis). I would love to not have to go in and remove the “(copy)” it places on each task at the end of the task name. I can’t believe that as I continue to duplicate something it adds more and more “(copy)” - there should be another duplicate option where you can choose not to have everything marked as a copy.

I have this problem as well. I am using the Column Magic app to do this. They have a free plan for 100 ops a month but their higher plans are rather cheap I think it’s like $9 for 1000 ops a month. Also a ton of other useful recipes. I do wish Monday would do this naturally but this is a nice work around.