๐Ÿ‘‹Say Goodbye to Missing Information with FieldValidator Pro

:tada:Hi everyone!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest app. FieldValidator Pro is designed to ensure data integrity and streamline your workflow management on monday.com.

With FieldValidator Pro, you can easily set mandatory fields within any group on your boards, ensuring all vital information is completed before an item progresses to the next stage.

:rocket:With FieldValidator Pro, you can:

:lock: Enforce Mandatory Fields: Ensure critical fields are filled out before moving to the next stage.
:globe_with_meridians: Enjoy Great Compatibility: Works with almost any field, including connect boards, files, checkboxes, dependent on, monday doc, Timeline, and more.
:shield: Password Protection Available: Password protection is available to safeguard your validation conditions from unauthorized changes.
:robot: Automate Validation: Use integration recipes to maintain data accuracy and streamline your processes.

:film_projector:Check out this quick video explaining how it works:

For detailed instructions, visit our User Guide.

FieldValidator Pro will be an essential tool for ensuring top-notch data quality and streamlining your workflows.

Give it a try and share your feedback!

Happy Validating! :white_check_mark: