SDK storage

I’ve got some questions regarding moday storage using the the python SDK.

  1. The storage seems to not have a search/filter option, this makes it only useful for simple use, unless I build a layer which would handle each key as a collection and would manage the filtering, but then the whole collection is in the app memory.
    Is there a recommended solution?

  2. Is it possible set the configuration to cennect to monday storage form a local Dev , I’ve tried using my developer token but was still unauthorised.

  3. Does the storage have a concurrency or connection limit?

  4. Just to clarify, Is the application data shared between all users on the account?


Hi @Reuven ! I replied here :smile:

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I wasn’t sure my question was submitted, so I’ve sent it again.
I think it should stay even though its pending approval, in case I might want to edit or check the status.