So many clients, folders, boards, groups, pulses... help me get organized

Hey Monday fam, my company has 6-7 client folders with 10-12 boards each, each board with 6-7 groups and 10-12 pulses each. We are a full service business consulting company with a small team doing a lot. I manage web deployments, marketing/social channel deployments and ongoing marketing and maintenance for the deployed platforms and channels. This is about 2 boards per client. I am the project owner for have three key fellow managers who participate and 2 contractors who work hourly for me.


Between the regular inundation of new tasks, the already planned tasks, and the ongoing implementations of new platforms, things are falling through the cracks. I don’t like things falling through the cracks. I believe in a system where every new valid task gets added to the right place as an idea or planned item, is assigned an owner/pointperson, and then added to a timeline. Things are getting added and generally to the right place, but there’s not always a point person, and often tasks don’t get a timeline. Employees are trained to mark completed tasks as “Test” or “Approval” for my review.

I need help. What I think I need, visualizations for the following:

“What is assigned to me which is not already done.”
“What is on my specified boards which is not assigned to anyone.”
“What is on my specified boards which is assigned but has no due date.”
“What is on my specified boards which is not done but approaching/past due.”
"What is on my specified boards which is marked as “Test” or “Approval.”

If anyone has any insight I would be supremely grateful.

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Hello @brendonwbrown,

I’m also a project manager using and I’ve been in that situation. Basically what you need can be performed utilizing dashboards, the table widget and filters. Let’s see:
First you can create a dashboard and add the table widget for each use case. Then add all the boards in which you’re involved, if you have a lot maybe you’ll need several dashboards.

  • “What is assigned to me which is not already done.” Filter by you in person and unfilter “Done” in the status column. I usually call this table “Assigned - Not done”.
  • “What is on my specified boards which is not assigned to anyone.”. Filter by person “blank”.
  • “What is on my specified boards which is assigned but has no due date.”. Filter by Date/Timeline "blank.
  • “What is on my specified boards which is not done but approaching/past due.” Unfilter “Done” and filter by Timeline/Date “current” and “past”.
  • "What is on my specified boards which is marked as “Test” or “Approval.” Filter by Status “Test” and “Approval”

I also have anothe table that I call “Assigned - Next Actions” to have a look in the future, filtering by me and Date “future”.
You can also create these dashboards for other team members so everyone will have a clear status of everything that’s going on.

Hope it helps.


@PedroM Does that work for you? I’ve tried it and find it clunky at best.

I’ve love to see a more sophisticated. all-in-one cross-board solution for “My To-Do list” here in Monday given that it’s at the premium end of the market for these tools.

My Week would work really, really well if it was enhanced with the dozens of basic Feature Requests posted here last year. Unfortunately, I have not seen any improvements in My Week since I started with Monday 12 months ago.

In my case My Week works well to obtain a quick view of what I have to manage in the short term. When I want to have a cross-board view of the projects I use the dashboards with the table widget, due to its advanced filtering options.

Hello Brendon. I work with a firm who offers services related to organization and workflow efficiency and would love to help you if possible. Shoot me an email at if you are interested!

Thank you all so much for your contribution to my cause. I have been encouraged by these answers, which, while not perfect, may be enough to help me get back in the driver seat.

I think when My Work is released it will help with some of your tasks, and it will improve when filtering becomes possible. My Work – Support (