Some AppDates

Hi Community! :earth_asia:

A lot is occurring on right now and it’s probably not that easy to keep track of so here is a short summary.

AppDates :sunglasses:

Technical updates:

  • We are deprecating API version 2023-07 starting next week, and you can find all the resources you need to implement the change for API version 2023-10 in this post.

  • Value Events: Gain Valuable Data 1 One Easy Change- By incorporating Value Events into your application, you’ll gain future visibility into how users interact with your app. (on the app analytics page). See details here in this post.


  • The annual partners summit in London will take place next month and we wish to see you all there. This is the right place in the right time for you to be on, to learn and mingle. Register here, read more about it here.

  • Get to know monday dev. Join us for a monday dev session where you can find all that you need to know about the new monday dev product and the opportunity that comes with it. Register here.


  • We have a new support form. Need technical assistance? Open a ticket here.

  • Missed our last community session? Getting to get some more helpful information? Subscribe to our monday app developer youtube channel and see it all.