Split text using formula and a special character

This is tough, especially with so many instances of your separator.

It doesn’t seem like a particularly good use case for monday.com. However… it is possible to achieve.

I’d strongly suggest using some helper columns to organize this more effectively:

Second Colon POS formula:

        LEN({Text})-{First Colon POS}
)+{First Colon POS}

Third String formula:

        LEN({Text})-{Second Colon POS}
    {Third Colon POS}-{Second Colon POS}-1

That should give you enough to get you going. But again I’d really stress this isn’t a typical use case for monday.com and not an area where I’d consider it to be particularly effective.

EDIT: Of course you’ll need to increment the various elements of these formulae to get different strings throughout the name.