I got a probably easy fix but i’m not great with Monday code.
I have the first column i want to dissect as : Doe, Jane
I have these formulas to split them into first name / Last name columns
First name: RIGHT({Name}, LEN({Name})- SEARCH(" ", {Name}))
Last name: IF(LEN({Name})>0,LEFT({Name}, SEARCH(" “, {Name}&” “)-2),”")
It works perfect if entered correctly. But, when someone enters with 0 spaces ( Jane,doe) it messes up my first and last name column to: First name ! Last name Jane,do
Any fixes for if they forget the space after the comma?
Also, sometimes we have automations that put (copy) behind the name, how do we get rid of that as well.
I understand that if one uses a formula-generated FirstNameLastName column, then it can’t be used in automations. Fillout allows you to concatenate within the Forms view, so that it creates an item that can be used in automations. Maybe monday can add this to its Forms…