Start Up Life Insurance Brokerage Looking for Monday Setup


We are a small life insurance brokerage looking to get a fairly simple Monday setup that can be duplicatable for all current and future agents.

We do not need the most advanced functionality. We are looking for a simple CRM tailored to our industry. Simple automations and board set ups.

If you are interested or know someone who would be interested, please let us know.

Looking forward to meeting you!

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Hi @yeycrespo ,

Josh here from Fruition, we’re a certified partner and service clients globally. We can help with this requirement and have you set up within 2 weeks on average for a basic CRM.

Please check out our website for our transparent services and pricing packages, you can contact us through the website to set up a free consult also

Fruition Website

Kind regards,

Director, Fruition

Hi Gelnnie @yeycrespo,

Welcome to the community! You are in the right place to find the specialist. My name is Elena and I’m the founder of Kick Consulting ,’s Australian partner. We have several staff that come from financial services industry (including myself) so it will be easy for us to build something. We specialise in customising CRM and client management processes for our clients.

Would you like to chat further and see some examples of what we can implement please book straight in :).

Merry Christmas and happy new year.

Kick Consulting

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Hey there Geinnie!

Welcome to the community forums!

It’s exciting to hear about your interest in setting up for your life insurance brokerage.

We are CarbonWeb - A Certified Channel Partner, and we specialize in creating tailored CRM solutions on that are simple yet effective!

We offer a complete CRM solution called the CarbonCRM that I would love to show you!

Our expertise includes setting up straightforward automations and board configurations, perfectly suited for your industry’s needs. Whether it’s for current agents or scalable for future additions, we ensure a seamless and duplicable setup. We even offer platform onboarding and data migration from your existing database.

Let’s discuss how we can create a customized CRM that aligns with your operational requirements and enhances your team’s efficiency.

Do you have time next week to meet? Schedule a time with us here -

Looking forward to exploring this opportunity with you!

Hi Gelnnie,
If you are still on the lookout to hire someone, I would be glad to help you out as what you are wanting done is within my skillset
You can reach out to me on my email here

Hi @yeycrespo :wave:

Welcome to the Community!

At upstream , we are proud to offer our expertise as Platinum Partners, Preferred Partners, and we specialise in simplicity!

That said, there are a number of ways we can assist and support you in fine-tuning and optimising your workflow for duplication. Happy to demonstrate for you and help you find best approach for your needs.

Lets discuss further together or have a quick call to get a feel for things if that’s your preference - reach me anytime:

+61 03 9067 5611

Alternatively, you can book straight into my calendar here:
Chat with Peta

Thank you for considering upstream as your partner, and have a great day ahead!

Kind regards,

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Hi Gelnnie ,

Thanks for posting to community!

I am interested in discussing the Setup/ Migration you are looking forward.
So the purpose of interacting is evaluating you idea behind feature and functionality expected. Also to share some previous integrations project done.

If you are looking forward to onetime professional solution lets connect.

I would be happy to help you develop custom solution based on requirement.

Please let me know, If you are still looking to hire

Best Regards

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Hey @yeycrespo!

Managing an insurance team is nothing short of challenging without a CRM. However, with the platform, your business is about to get a whole lot easier! By implementing boards and automation, you can organize all phases of your insurance cycle and customer data in one single place. In addition to keep your agents’ work neat and organized, you can leverage pre-built templates automated task generation, email composition, and content generation. This way, you can ensure that leads are being assigned in time and that your insurance pipeline is working effectively.

If you’re looking to implement a fully-functional CRM, it is effective to hire experts from a consulting company. Experts ensure that the CRM is fully personalized to meet your exact needs.

Check your email inbox.

Can you send me a link to book a virtual meeting to discuss project further & see if we are good fit to work together?

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Please send me a form of booking a meeting to discuss the scope of the project.

Looks great. However, we already have external 3rd party app solutions for dialing. Thank you for your offer though @CarbonJon

PhoneBurner is just one of the integrations we have created, did you take a look at the CarbonCRM?

We specialize in offering exactly what you are looking for < a customized CRM for your needs built on

Let me know if you have any questions! We would love to show you a demo!

Hey @yeycrespo - Thanks for your reply.
It would be great if you can just fill form here.

We will get back to you as per your convenient time ASAP.


Hi @yeycrespo ,

I am a certified consultant and would love to connect to understand your use case in a better way and suggest you the best possible solution.

You can reach out to me at

Best Regards,
Aquib Zafar