Status Column Labels

Hello, I was wondering if there are any unique identifiers for labels that belong to a status column. I was able to get their color and text, but is there anything further I could do with them?

Each Status has an index, thats the number you see associated with a color and label text. When you get a status column using column_values (v2) you can get the index and label.

Change status actions typically store and use the index number, since label text changes. This means if someone changes the label text or color of a particular status, the recipe wont break.

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Thanks for the reply @codyfrisch . Do you know if indexes get reordered after labels get deleted?

so this is where it gets annoying!

There is a fixed, non-contiguous, set of index values. There is an initial index:color relationship but if you change colors it swaps the colors around. See this chart for the possible index values, and the initial color relationship.

The only one that doesn’t change is the 5:grey relationship.

Indexes are assigned to a status when its created in the column. The color and label text can change for each index as the user changes them in the UI, but the index itself never changes for that status. You can rename “Stuck” to “Done” and change it to “green” and the index stays the same, even if other statuses are deleted.

Indexes are the true “value” of a status column, the rest are just properties associated with that index. You can mutate a status by providing a label text, and it will look up the index that matches and set it. This is because by nature the label text and colors may not be associated with the same index in different columns and boards, so the label is used when creating items on new boards or moving items between boards so that you get semi-predictable results. though the color on the other board may be different.

This was so helpful. Thank you very much!