Third-party dependency in template apps is down (localtunnel)

Our quickstart-integrations template uses a 3rd party service called localtunnel to set up a local testing environment. It is currently down, which means you’ll wait endlessly for the app to generate a tunnel URL.

But we have a workaround for you!

The workaround uses a different service called ngrok to create the local environment.

Here are some steps to make it work – the steps assume you’ve already created an app from the template (instructions here).

Step 1: Install and sign up for ngrok

Global install: Download it from
Local install: Run npm install ngrok to install only in this repo. You will still need to sign up at

Step 2: Create an ngrok tunnel on the port of your choice

Run the following code to start the tunnel.

Local install: npx ngrok http 8302
Global install: ngrok http 8302

Step 3: Comment out the createTunnel() function

Comment out createTunnel() in src/app.js (line 13). This will prevent the app from using localtunnel (so we can use ngrok instead).

Here’s a screenshot:

Step 4: Replace the ngrok URL in your app

You can now copy the ngrok URL and add it to your app (in the base URL section).

Step 5: Run your app

Run your app using npm run start. It should work as normal!


Which file and line is this

The base URL tells monday where to send traffic to your app, and is actually configured inside the monday platform!

You add it in the Feature Details section of your app’s integration or view feature:

Full steps can be found in our Quickstart Guide here.