Time tracking column requests!

#1 and #3 are critical improvements for our team. We’re finding time-tracking to be one of the biggest headaches of using Monday – and it’s a crucial feature for us. The lack of simple manual entry and the lack of decent time-tracking export functionality is aggravating.


This monday we have done a meeting with our field technicians. They claim for simple manual entry and to have quickly this función on mobile app too… I cant promess anything to buy some Time as long as i have no ETA for this critical column improvements…

@Julia-monday.com AND other monday people, please i need a Hand on this one.


@hlopezvc got my vote on this one, a much needed enhancement.


Yeh annoying that the dashboard widget assigns all the time against the owner rather that breaking it down by the individuals who’ve tracked sessions within a task. Makes no sense.

My colleagues want to know how much time each team member has tracked against all tasks and individual ones but can’t give them a straight answer currently.

Also agree the fact you can’t track time at the same time is super annoying. Meetings for example mean multiple team members are all working on one task simultaneously.

Would be great to see this revamped so it gives you these key reports you need to see easily on the dashboard.


Our organisation has recently started using Monday and we have the same issue.

From both an accounting and a management perspective, it is important to know who works on what and for how many hours. Ideally, Monday.com would be able to track this for everyone simultaneously so that we can see:

  • Total time passed on a task
  • Who contributed how much time

To be able to do so, we need to be able to add overlapping work sessions, as has been noted by others here. Moreover, in our case, we do not really need sessions to have specific beginning and end times, dates are enough. As long as we can enter how many hours we passed at each work session, that’s all that matters.

Lastly, it’d be great if we could then export the hours logged in a few different ways:

  • Each team member to export their hours logged during a specific time period (e.g. a week overview of the hours logged in which project on which days)
  • Exporting the hours logged per project
  • Exporting the hours logged of the entire organisation for a defined period

That way, we can use these for both payroll, invoicing and accounting purposes, as well as other management use (looking for efficiencies, bulky overhead, costly extra hours etc.).

Hope this can get some attention soon!


@brett-monday.com @Julia-monday.com

there are a lot of things to fix with this…

please give us an update and good news


Please, please… this is also a critical item for me and my teams.


I was here reading the various topics and I noticed that the Time-Tracking column has some problems on Monday.
In our company, we try to measure the hours spent on the customer by this column so that afterwards the hours spent are actually billed.

However, we still don’t have an easy way to be able to extract a customer’s totals quickly and dynamically. In other words, in this case, we are trying to map the time-tracking column with a TAG column in which the customer’s name is placed [in unique board]. Does anyone know how we can accomplish this or if there is any way?


We have a fair bit of trouble with this as we actually export time tracking data and use it to general (draft) invoices for clients - so we’ve had to introduce a process which runs via the API and warns if people have a long-running tracker, or have more than one active at a time!


the same usecase here. it is the most critical feature for continuing using monday.com. all the other fundctionalities are useful and very nice to have, but exporting, analyzing and visualizing hours logged is ESSENTIAL for us.

please, please put some effort in this!


Not being able to have individual-based time tracking is the primary reason my company is considering switching away from Monday.com. This really needs to be improved.

As a company that bills for time, we need individuals to track time against tasks. Making it easier for multiple users to work on the same task at the same time (ie - not having global board timers) in addition to having an easier manual time entry (specify hours/minutes not start/end times) would be much appreciated.

Bonus points if you could include a notes field with each time entry, as often times we need to discard some time as no-charge upon review. Notes help provide some context regarding what a user might have spent 6 hours doing on a task and why it took so long.


Hey guys, Hey @brett-monday.com
I have 2 comments:

  1. In line with this thread, I want to see the option to measure average, shortest and longest time-tracking per group, so it would display well on a dashboard.

  2. I think it would be really useful if Monday.com could put a ballpark resolution time next to the issue title on each page. I keep seeing ‘coming soon’ and ‘dynamic recipes’ but if these fixes don’t happen soon I am worried my boss will switch providers before the end of Q3 2020…


Yes, it would be the time to have this done, there are many more core improvements needed.


Any updates on these items? We are running into the same issue where two users cannot add time under the same task.


Is there any update on improvements to the Time Tracking?
The reporting end of it is especially important for our company and a minor change to the layout would solve a multitude of issues. The pulse name needs to be on the same line as the actual tracking. The export as presented is nearly useless for data analysis. Thank you.


Hi all,

I would also like to know when these improvements are coming. This makes time tracking pretty limited in its current capacity and means that at the very least another time tracking application is required in addition to Monday.com - which kind of defeats the purpose.

The biggest issue is definitely the problem where two people can’t work on the same item at once.


Hi @brett-monday.com, how are you.
Please give us an update on this.


Any Update? Time tracking could be a great feature, but is useless without the possibility to record sessions in parallel.


I think we have already been asking for an update enough time , other post are asking for time tracking working on subitems too. I think we should been updated about this.


One way I was trying to track time spent on an item to fix this issue was to use a formula column in the item area. Then my hope was to add a numbers column in the sub-items to list all the individual tasks with time associated with each for each team member. The main formula column would sum all the est time associated with each sub item entered. But, the formula column won’t pull in the number field from the sub-items. Thought I was on to something.