Timeline Board Color Showing Wrong Color?


When viewing my timeline I have the filter set to “BY BOARDS” and the color from the circles next to the board name looks incorrect.

For instance, Commissions is a bright Green color on my boards page but showing orange on the timeline view.

Anyway to change these colors?

I would like to change the board color in a way that it directly affects the color on the timeline as show in the screenshot in red.

Hi @spokenbysergio !

As of now there is not a way to control the colors that are associated with the charts in Timelines, Batteries, or Chart Widgets.


Are the color currently shown at random? Trying to figure out the rhyme and reason

@spokenbysergio they are a little. My team has created a chart that will show you the color order for some of the widgets though

Take a look here:


Hope this helps!