Timer Collumn Average

Time column would be useful to have the ability to see an average of the time spent on each item rather than just a total of all of the times.

Hi @aprilread :wave:

We are working on average feature, that is why i am here, to know what exactly users need more.
And also i want suggest you to try the Time in Status app, which track time the Item has spent in each workflow status. And, as i said, average of the time spent feature will be available soon :blush:
However, using the app, you can already monitor how fast the item moves between statuses or spot bottlenecks and delays.
You’ll get user-friendly data on the board in a few seconds.

Also you will be able to track how much time your issue spends in each status and much more by generating 3 types of reports:

:chart_with_upwards_trend: And use charts to visualize your reports a sample of a certain number according to time range/item range, or a single item:

  • Pie Charts
  • Bar Charts
  • Area Charts

The app is also available in the format of board integration.

You can try it on the Monday Marketplace and share your experience with us.
Hope you find this app helpful.