Trouble with creating a feature - seeing errors when setting up dev environment

I’m trying to create my first feature but am running into an access token error:
INFO: Access token is missing, running "mapps init" command

There isn’t any pre-set up instructions in the creating an app docs. Is there a place where I should store my API token before running the command to create a feature? Has anyone else struggled with this error? I’m developing on a mac, mentioning in case that makes a difference.

After installing the CLI, use the mapps init command to add your API token:

mapps init -t <SECRET_TOKEN>

From Command line interface (CLI)

I was able to get past this error by setting up monday-cli, I used my GraphQl API token when it prompted me in this way - “Please enter your api access token”.

Now I’m experiencing a new error:
Fetching tunnel connection auth token [FAILED: Unexpected error occurred while communicating with the remote server]

Can anyone here help me get past my new issue?

Hello there @tmanney,

I replied in the other topic!