TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'settings_str')

For some reason, this is no longer returning the subitem board in in settings_str, where it was earlier this week.

  // Query to get Subitem BoardId
  const getSubItemBoardId = `query {
    boards(ids: [${boardId}]) 
      columns(ids: "subitems")

It does work on my account. Did you check:

  • the board has at least one subitem
  • the columnId of the subitem column mitht be different

Alternatively, this would work without hardcoding the columnId

  boards(ids: $(boardId)) {
    columns(types: [subtasks]) {

For some reason, some of my boards have multiple settings_str values.

Example query:

query test {boards(ids:<BOARD_ID>)


  "data": {
    "boards": [
        "columns": [
            "settings_str": "{}"
            "settings_str": "{\"allowMultipleItems\":true,\"itemTypeName\":\"column.subtasks.title\",\"displayType\":\"BOARD_INLINE\",\"boardIds\":[XXXXXXX]}"
            "settings_str": "{}"
            "settings_str": "{\"done_colors\":[1],\"labels\":{\"0\":\"Working on it\",\"1\":\"Done\",\"2\":\"Stuck\"},\"labels_positions_v2\":{\"0\":0,\"1\":2,\"2\":1,\"5\":3},\"labels_colors\":{\"0\":{\"color\":\"#fdab3d\",\"border\":\"#e99729\",\"var_name\":\"orange\"},\"1\":{\"color\":\"#00c875\",\"border\":\"#00b461\",\"var_name\":\"green-shadow\"},\"2\":{\"color\":\"#df2f4a\",\"border\":\"#ce3048\",\"var_name\":\"red-shadow\"}}}"
            "settings_str": "{}"
  "account_id": XXXXX
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You are requesting the setting_str for each column on your board. The board itself does not have a setting_str. If you want to limit to the subtask column you should filter it in your request

query test {boards(ids:<BOARD_ID>)
    columns (types: [subtasks])
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