Unable to Export Workdac to PDF

Web page totally freezes when I try to export a workday to pdf. boss is already not sure about monday and I don’t want her to lose confidence. who can help?

Hi @perrymcleod :wave:

Sorry to hear about this!
Could you please try to export the Workdoc using an incognito browser instead?

If the issue persists, we’d love to have our support team take a closer look into this, as it may require further investigation. You can reach our team via support@monday.com :smile:
They will be able to continue to troubleshoot this with you.



Opening a private window in Safari does not allow a PDF to generate. The function runs at the top of the screen for a few seconds and then freezes the window.

Thanks for that additional information! In this case, I think it would be best for our support team to continue to look into this.

Could you please reach out to them via support@monday.com?
They’ll continue to troubleshoot with you and escalate this as needed!

