Hey there! I am very far along with an application and need to just update the status via the monday api. ANYWAY possible. I just need to update the status, I have three options, Green yellow and red. So if they want to update the status to red, they click red and it updates… I have everything done but CANNOT figure out the API for updating! It keeps saying parse error on the console. And this is my current api mutation
async function changeColumnValue(item_id, status) {
try {
await monday.api(
“mutation { change_simple_column_value(item_id: 3348788037, board_id: 3327004006, column_id: phone, value: 911 ) { phone } }”
} catch (err) {
now im assuming phone there at the end in its own scope, is the field im updating? and with the value ive hard corded, here it is 911.