Update Item Status using Vue 3

Hey there! I am very far along with an application and need to just update the status via the monday api. ANYWAY possible. I just need to update the status, I have three options, Green yellow and red. So if they want to update the status to red, they click red and it updates… I have everything done but CANNOT figure out the API for updating! It keeps saying parse error on the console. And this is my current api mutation

async function changeColumnValue(item_id, status) {
try {
await monday.api(
“mutation { change_simple_column_value(item_id: 3348788037, board_id: 3327004006, column_id: phone, value: 911 ) { phone } }”
} catch (err) {

now im assuming phone there at the end in its own scope, is the field im updating? and with the value ive hard corded, here it is 911.

Nobody seems to have used this with Vue! So here is my own function I wrote to make it work. and it works! You dont need the “” that most people use! So here is a 2022 SOLUTION. Took me 14 hours to do only! haha

async function changeColumnValue(item_id, status) {
console.log(status, item_id);
try {
await monday.api(
"mutation { change_simple_column_value(item_id: " +
item_id +
“, board_id: yourBoardName, column_id: status0, value: “+status+”) { id }}”
} catch (err) {