Using API to create custom object view from a feature


we are working on the application for monday.
some of you features bring a UI views for crm workspace.
to be precise, we have an Object view.
as a developer I want to use monday API to create this view for a user, what I tried is the following:

mutation {
  create_board (
    board_name: "CREATED Feature_NAME [Staging-object]",
    board_kind: public,
    template_id: 105719650,
  ) {

I took template_id by reverse engineering… - that’s one thing I don’t know how to get programmatically.
and the problem is that this query is creating a default monday board with a table for me and not the one I have with a template.

I also tried this mutation:

mutation {
  use_template(template_id: 105719650, board_kind: public) {

but I got 403 UserUnauthorizedException.

so my question is:
how can I use an API to create a view from a custom feature that implements custom object view for a user?