Workload displayed as percentage


We use the workload widget to fill the schedule of our service technicians. One of the most frequently asked question is : “how loaded are you on the next month ?”. Actually, we can visualize it with the blue dot, but it would also be nice to have it as a percentage instead of a number of hours.
So could you please add the possibility to choose to display hours or percentage in this widget ?
Thanks for your feedback on this

Hi @FdL - while showing it as a percent in the Workload widget isnt an option. What we have done in the past for clients with similar asks is the following:

  1. Have a “% Utilization” column to estimate how utilized an individual would be for a specific project
  2. Also a timeline column for the start/end of the project
  3. Use a formula column to calculate based on the timeline to put it in a format that the workload widget can understand, similar to:
    IF(YEAR({Timeline#End}) <> YEAR({Timeline#Start}),(MONTH({Timeline#End})-MONTH({Timeline#Start})+12){% Util},(MONTH({Timeline#End})-MONTH({Timeline#Start})+1){% Util})
    4.You can then use number widgets in a dashboard to show the total % Util.

It’s not perfect but its been helpful for some clients we have worked with.


Hi Green Llamas,

Thanks for your answer. It inspired me and I could figure out a way of doing this. The only problem is that if I set up a certain way (view per week , per technician), I can’t change the view anymore, otherwise the calculation will be completely wrong (day view, or team grouping). So it’s a good workaround, but is has some limitations that an embedded percentage would avoid. teams, please develop this feature :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance
And thanks again Green Llamas for your kind answer


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You are most welcome @FdL. Agreed, % indicators would be an excellent addition.

Hey everyone!

Just found out form our product team that this request is in gradual release! You should hopefully be seeing it soon on your account! Hang tight.

Hi Juliette,

I finally had time to review and this is working great.
Thanks for this nice release


Hi everyone!

Wanted to let you know this has been released! Our product team takes our community request seriously when making decisions about the upcoming roadmap and the more votes, the more likely you will be able to see a response about the status of your request from our team!

Hope you enjoy this feature and keep voting on your favorites :slight_smile: