Wrap text in column headings and/or cells

It’s 2024! So is it here yet?


Hi community!
Amber here from the product team. As Juliette mentioned, we have added this request to our roadmap and are hoping to release it in the second half of the year!
Looking forward to getting this feature out to you as soon as possible while making sure we maintain the best user experience :pray:


Hi Amber! That’s good news, thank you!

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Great news, look forward to this implementation!

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Look forward to using this feature soon. It definitely will improve user experience especially email and link fields. Cheers!

Hi there, has this been developed as yet?

Totally agree to have this feature

Hi, noticed many users asking for this. I am also hoping you can perhaps add this please.
I see there were other threads started as well.

Any visibility into this request would be appreciated.

Thank you

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Thanks, but it has taken 3 years to get this BASIC functionality, so no high hopes but good that it is on the roadmap.

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Needed this long ago!!

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Can we get an update on the status quo? Will this be released soon? “Second half of the year” is quite a large timeframe and could possible mean December 31st.

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Or the ability to quickly autosize column width

Hey Everyone,

We understand the need for the feature especially to improve board readability and efficiently utilize space. Due to other priorities and features in development, we do not have an expected timeline for this feature.

The boards team is currently focusing on finishing the development of other highly requested board features, such as the ability to reorder views, wrap text, and undo capabilities. Once these features are completed and released, our team will be able to continue to look into the best way to build a solution to wrap text in column headings and cells.

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