Ability to add a column value to an update comment

Hi Monday team,

I often create an update and need to refer to a column/field value within that item. It would be great to be able to reference that column/field like you can when you “notify” someone in an automation.


Solidly in the “would be nice” area of things. Updates are a different thing from a generated notification. They are kinda in their own section and you have discovered their limited functionality. I would try just using straight notifications out for your emails/slacks and skip the update section all together.

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Hi @a_zinman just an suggestion would it help you if you had the “Update email” inculded in the automation so then the email triggered would be included in the “Updates” Section.

You could add the email link to the “Write updates via email” on the board for the automations trigger to directly link?

Thanks @Ag47Panda. I am currently using notifications with the column triggers but this specific notification is a bit more complex and requires manual intervention. I’ll learn to live with the limitation.

Thanks @Clarey. I have tried using “write updates via email” in the past, although i found very quickly that not everyone chooses to “reply all” to emails and you lose the tracking and transparency. We are also trying to avoid additional emails and stick to notifications.

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Adam, I use a work around to achieve this. It isn’t ideal, but it cuts down on data entry. I have a status column for updates. I use the automation “when status changes to something” then create update with this text. You can pull in any column text you want to add. But the limitation is, when the update is created a notification isn’t triggered to the item’s owner. So, I simply go to the update and hit reply, then I tag the assignee there. It keeps the chain of updates together and cuts down on the data entry for me.

Update: Actually since you want to notify the owner separately, you can just add that step to the automation. After create update, you would create a notification step.

Thanks All. As this is a monday.com restriction that does not look to be on the roadmap i will close this topic and create a few additional automations with different notification templates.