Add More Date Format Options

In our company we also need more Date formats :slight_smile:

For the we need to know the Year of production of the item: example 2022.
It would also be nice to be able to add a condition in the column : for example the user cannot add a date before 1950 and after current, or next year.

In the date format the only formats are (screenshot from todau October, 20, 2023) :

I vote YES !

We also need to have the YYYY format

The TIME format is something that needs to be also looked at within the calendar format.
Having the fist choice of time at a odd hour like 4am from the top of list makes no sence. i know some people start work early but for the majority start let say 8am / 9am so as per image, I feel to save scrollng down & making the time format more user friendly having 9am in the position where 6am is would be more user friendly. ths allows for the early birds to also have 8.30/ 8am / 7.30 / as an option above ( first choices rather than 2am)
link to pic showing time format

We would love to be able to format dates as ‘YYYY-MM-DD.’ It just makes sense for a workflow management software to give users more options.

Hopefully this is on the dev team’s roadmap soon!