Allow Use of GPS Coordinates in Location Field

The mapping feature (location) in Monday is one the MAIN reasons we switched from what we were using (after 10 years) and it is great to get real time map updates on tickets, schedules, etc. It would be VERY helpful if we could use GPS coordinates, as we have some locations and map areas that we’d love to pin point, but they are not tied to physical addresses that we can input in the location field. I tried using some GPS cords as a test, but I do not get any pins to display when in map view, even though it shows that I have no pulses without locations.

GPS Coordinates work just fine for us. I just tested in a board using this in the location field: 53.2869575,-110.0897842

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Well, I believe I found my problem. I tried with the ones that you supplied, but they still would not show. However, I just realized that my mapping has filtering on it and on all my test pulses that I’ve used, I’ve been filtering them out by status. When I changed the status (I wasn’t applying one cause it was a test ticket), it then showed up in Canada. So, my bad. I wish I had realized this sooner!

Thanks so much, Darren, for helping me understand what was going on. Appreciate it.

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