API Migration Bootcamp – Follow up with resources

Hey y’all, here are answers to the most popular & relevant questions from today’s stream. Thank you everyone for joining!

How to’s

How can we specify the new version when using the monday SDK?

You can set the version to be used by the mondaySDK object:

import mondaySdk from "monday-sdk-js";

const monday = mondaySdk();

Or you can pass the version in the options of a specific API call:

import mondaySdk from "monday-sdk-js";
const monday = mondaySdk();

const data = await monday.api(query, { variables, apiVersion: "2023-10"});

Can I return specific columns with the items_page object?

Yes, you can still return specific columns using the item_page object. Here’s how:

query  {
  boards(ids: 872058179) {
    items_page (limit:1) {
      items {
        column_values (ids:["status"]) {

Currently many IDs are a string of numbers – e.g. my account ID is 1825528. Are they going to become text anytime soon?

From a type-safety perspective, we want developers to think of IDs as an arbitrary alphanumeric string.

Transparently, we don’t have any plans to change the structure of these IDs. But plans change and your applications should work regardless of what the ID string looks like.

Third party integrations

Will these API updates change external integrations like Zapier or Make? Is monday working directly with these companies

Third-party integrators like Make will need to update their connectors, and depending on how you’re using those connectors, you may need to update your workflows too.

We have reached out to them and shared the deprecation plan, and will continue to work with them to ensure they’re keeping up with our timeline.

I’m also going to pass the feedback from today over to their teams so they know that our shared customers (aka you) are expecting a prompt update from them.

If I only use a few marketplace apps and no third-party integrations, will this migration really affect me?

Candidly, not really.

These migration materials are aimed at app developers or admins who run externally-integrated workflows inside their monday account.

As I mentioned on the call, the majority of apps can update to the new version with no user impact. Majority doesn’t mean all, so just keep an eye out for communications from the app developers (via email) and you’ll be fine.

Future plans and requests

Are there plans to increase complexity limits?

We are working on an infrastructure to better measure complexity so that low-volume use cases are not penalized as much.

We don’t have plans to increase the limit per se, but we want to make the calculation more fair and usage-based.

Will the new API support more columns like formula?

Good question – we’re working on it! A side benefit of mondayDB is being able to eventually support formulas in the API :slight_smile: If you look at our mondayDB website, you’ll see that “Formula column in automations” is on the roadmap for 2024 – API support will be released with it or soon after!

Have any further questions? Create a new topic in the community and we’ll be happy to help :slight_smile: