Auto Number field value in notifications possible?

I am trying to generate an automation email to a user that submits a request through a form. I have used the auto number column to generate its place in the request queue. I wanted to include this in a notification by email to state that the users request is # in queue, however I cannot seem to add this column to the notification field. I tried {pulse.auto_number} but that doesn’t seem to work. Anybody know how I can do this?

Hi @slaw6 - the auto number column is dynamic and not actually stored (similar to a formula) so it cannot be used in automations/notifications.

A workaround might be to use the Auto ID app. It is a paid app (one time charge) but gives you a lot more control over autonumbering formats.


@mark.anley Thanks for the suggestion Mark, but unfortunately I am on a corporate account and cannot purchase anything so I have to find another way of doing this. Thank you for your suggestion though, I appreciate it.

Does anyone else know a way to do this?


I am struggling with same issue and again being on corporate account cant buy additional app.

Were you able to get any workaround?

Unfortunately no, still waiting on an expert opinion :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Mark.

I read the document available on Auto ID app. It explains how a ID can be customized through it. But no where is says that, through the app we will be able to use the auto ID generated in outgoing emails (automation) or notifications.