Automatically archive empty groups

How to get around not having to manually delete empty groups? after an autoamtion has archived all items in the group.

Can’t see that being possible in autoamtions via Is it possible through

hi @Fredrik

Welcome to the community! I am not a Make specialist as I do everything building apps on the monday platform. As Make is using the same API I thought it was worth mentioning that this is possible with the API. Here is a rough outline:

  • trigger would be when item is archived (and/or deleted if you want)
  • action:
    • get the groupId from the archived / deleted item
query{items(ids: 1855935613) {group {id}}} 
    • Now, with having the groupId: retrieve all items in that group and count them
query{boards(ids:3855935529){groups(ids:"topics"){items(exclude_nonactive: true){id}}}}
    • If this returns zero items: delete the group
mutation{delete_group(board_id:3855935529, group_id: "new_group36797") {id}}

Hope this helps

Hi @Fredrik ,
This can be done using Make platform.
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