Building project plans in Monday

Dear all,
I’m almost certain this question has been asked before, so firstly, I apologize.

I’ve had a search through certain threads, but have as of yet, not been able to find exactly the answer I’m looking for.

In short, in previous roles, I’ve used MS projects and it was quite simple to list your tasks, enter a duration for the task, apply dependencies between tasks. Then simply add a project start date and vamooosh, you have yourself a project plan and timeline.

I’m currently managing projects with 100s of specific tasks, some taking an hour, others taking weeks to complete. This functionality afforded me much more time to focus on execution rather than planning.

I can’t seem to find out how to make this work in Monday. So, is it possible I guess? If so how?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks


The same can be done in Monday. Here is a video How to adjust a project timeline with out adjusting each task date in — Tella