Calculate Hours between two date fields?

Hi Monday community. I am in need of assistance, I have two date columns with time associated to them. I am using these because I can get a calendar.

My challenge is, I am trying to calculate the hours between these two fields. Simply, it is a scheduling item. I want to have my users login and select a time slot that they can work, and it keeps track of their total time. But I cannot for the life of me figure out a formula that helps me calculate the time between these two fields.

Please assist… ???

Hi @corey.masson

We have been partnered with since 2017.

Without seeing your board/columns, the formula you seek to calculate the time is available!

We have done a number of of time calculations on various scenarios.

If you would like to have an optimisation session with upstream please do not hesitate to email me.

This way we can take a look at your concerns more in depth and provide you with the best solution to make your workflow more powerful in

I look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Cleopatra. Thank you for your reply.

I am inclined to schedule a quick connect regarding our goal.

I am CST time. Please advise a couple days / times if you would.


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Hi @corey.masson

Here is a booking link for your convenience.

Otherwise if you cannot find a time in the link, please email me and I will organise a time that works for you.

Speak soon !


I’m sure Cleopatra will be able to take care of your needs.

For everyone else that may be interested in how to calculate the hours between two date columns with (or without) times:

DAYS({End},{Start}) * 24

This is not exactly intuitive because the function used is, literally “DAYS”. But, the result returned when times are attached includes the fractional difference as well. So, simply multiplying by 24 give you hours.

Jim - Subscribe to The Monday Man
Watch Our Latest Video: HELP!!


Hi @JCorrell … you made my day! I cannot thank you enough.

I cannot express enough gratitude over a simple snippet.


My pleasure. You might be interested in my next video. It will be a continuation of the monday formulas series and will include more details on date functions.

Jim - Subscribe to The Monday Man
Watch Our Latest Video: HELP!!

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