Calculating Dates with Formulas not working as expected


I’ve been playing with the formula field in and I’m struggling to understand the logic of why it isn’t working as expected.

Here’s how my board is setup:

Table Example
Name Status Campaign Timeline Expected Delivery Date

I am trying to do a calculation on the timeline start date so if we have less than 3 days before the campaign needs to launch, it will just show the expected delivery date. Otherwise, if it is a month into the future for example, it will show 3 days before that date.

I started with this formula which shows the date -3 days:


FORMAT_DATE(SUBTRACT_DAYS({Campaign Timeline#Start}, 3),“YYYY-MM-DD”)

I then created this formula:


IF(FORMAT_DATE({Campaign Timeline#Start},“YYYY-MM-DD”) <= FORMAT_DATE(ADD_DAYS(NOW(), 3),“YYYY-MM-DD”), {Campaign Timeline#Start}, FORMAT_DATE(SUBTRACT_DAYS({Campaign Timeline#Start}, 3),“YYYY-MM-DD”))

The issue is that this doesn’t appear to work correctly. I thought, best to simplify it and tried this formula:



The issue is that it doesn’t work as expected. Instead it shows the following:


Todays Date
March 11th, 2024

Name Status Campaign Timeline Expected Delivery Date
Advert on subway Planned March 1st 2024 - March 28th 2024 MORE THAN TODAY

Am I going crazy? The formula AI agrees with what I created so I’m at a loss.

PS - Next step will to take the status field into account, but one thing at a time!

Hi Aaron,

I just tested your formula and I get the correct result:


Want to take your formulas to the next level? Try the Advanced Formula Booster, the app that reinvents formulas in monday.

  • Create formulas without using the Formula column (and avoid its limitations)
  • Build formulas involving data from the previous item, the next item, the sub-items, the parent item, even items in the same group, the same board or up to 2 other boards!
  • In one formula, update multiple columns from multiple items.

Check our blog for real use cases.