(Peter Carlsson)
January 4, 2024, 11:59am
I have an issue where I want to calculate the percentage of items that have a specific column empty/not empty in a dashboard.
For example: I have a board with 100 items. In a column, there shall be a value of 1,2 or 3.
I want to have a widget that calculates how many items that have value 1,2,3 and how many are empty.
So - basically, let’s say that 40 out of 100 items have a value in that column, then I want a widget displaying “40%”
Is this achievable?
(Charlotte Kirkham)
January 4, 2024, 7:11pm
Hey Peter!
Charlotte here from the monday team!
You could set this up via a formula column with an IF function and then bring this result through to your Dashboard with a Numbers Widget.
If you need help setting up this kind of IF function, reach out to our formula team here .
(Peter Carlsson)
January 5, 2024, 7:01am
Thank you! I have started another thread about this, as we are a bit weary about adding columns to our boards just to solve specific dashboard use cases, and how a growing number of columns could effect board peformance.
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