Call out note at the top of a board

I would like to have a feature to add a note, card or callout at the top of a board, separate from the items. While doesn’t have a direct feature to pin a note or callout at the top of a board, I know I can use a monday workdoc to achieve a similar effect. However, I don’t want to click to a separate board view. I would like to see it at the top of the board on a card or note always in view.
I am aware of the awesome new announcement banner but that is for all boards and I would like an item called out at the top of the board one board at a time.
Thank you.

Are you looking for the board discussion? See the little icon here:

Hi Bas de Bruin, Thank you for your feedback. I am looking for the call out to visually appear at the top of the board when the board is opened without anyone having to click another icon. In my use case, it is a very important consistently used date by many board members. In other use cases it could be an important reminder about the board. I would like the date or message to visually appear when the board is opened without asking anyone to click the board discussion icon.
Thank you!

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Hi Leah,

I am going to guess you want something that has more “pop” to it than this, but I thought I would throw it out there.

Hi Kate, thank you for the effort! I would like it to look like a call out (bubble, blurb, sticky note, etc.) on the board at the top visible as soon as you go into the board so there is no need to select comments, board description or board notification. That method is easily missed. My use case is that as people are working in the board they consistently need to see a date that is unrelated to the current items, groups and workflow on the board. My solve for now is to have it be an item on the board in the group, but it is one date taking up space in the group. It would be nice to call it out on its own.

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I figured that was what you were looking for… :slight_smile: I also would love to have that!

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This would be a great feature to implement. ClickUp supports this quite well.