Can I reply to the recipients of an email I have forwarded to an item?

Can I reply to the recipients of an email I have forwarded to an item?

Hey Nikou,

Just to clarify, are you utilising the send email to board feature here? Would you be able to elaborate a little further so I can be sure I am getting the right information to you? Thanks!

I am using the “Write updates via email” feature and I would like to respond to that email, ensuring that the respective recipients are included (either through “Emails & Activities” or any other option). Thank you.

Thank you for clarifying! Am I correct in understanding that once that email is created as an update, when you reply, you’d like for your reply to send as an email back to the recipient/sender?

If this is the case, I’d instead reply directly from Emails and Activities. You can log those incoming emails (as long as you have an email column set up with the address included) in the app, and therefor reply directly in the E + A app. At this time, replying to the update in the platform will not send as an email if the receivers are external to the platform. Let me know if this makes sense :pray:

Thank you very much for your response. Is there a way for the Monday to automatically identify the sender and CC of the emails without needing to add them manually to the email columns?