Can't open items in calendar view

Newbie here. When I’m looking at items in calendar view, I see that I can drag them to a new date. I also see from other forums that I don’t have the ability to delete them from that view. (Bummer.) My question is, should I be able to click on the open in calendar view and open it? I feel like I’m seeing videos from others on youtube where they click the item and it opens… but when I click on items in any board in calendar view, nothing happens. Is there some setting I’m missing?

Hey Erica,

You should be able to open items in the calendar view as show below…

If this isn’t the case, this sounds a little strange… Can you please test this via an incognito window? :pray:

As for deleting, I am afraid it’s not possible to delete items directly from the calendar view, you’d need to do this via the board. I apologise for the setback here :pray: I will be sharing this with our team internally!

Thanks, Bianca. It’s working in the incognito window but not in the regular window… will I just have to always work in incognito mode or is there some sort of setting that I need to try to fix so that this works in a normal window?

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Disregard! I figured out that if it works in incognito that clearing the cache might make it work in a normal window, and that did the trick. Thanks!

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Thanks for the update Erica - glad to hear you were able to get this resolved :blush: