Changelog - new cool stuff: November 18th - December 1st

Here’s what’s new in the Apps framework and API from the past to week

Increased number of plans for marketplace apps: Now you can have up to 25 seat-based tiers and up to 15 feature-based tiers for your app on the marketplace!
New app feature image uploader: Instead of using a Vibe icon or providing your own CDN URL, you can now upload an image directly to monday’s CDN, and it’s available for all app feature types that support custom icons.

Hotfix: Updates returned in reverse chronological order: Impacted API versions 2024-10 and later
New ability to read the formula column: you can read the formula column using the display_value field. This field returns the content of the formula column as a string, from version 2025-01 and later.
New deactivate_users mutation
New update_users_role mutation

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