Changing or deleting status column labels?

I’m following this this and it’s more or less helpful…

I am trying to create a status column programmatically and it’s kind of a PITA, but I don’t mind. It seems like the full process is something like:

  1. Create new column.
  2. Create new item and set new a new label with a ‘create_labels_if_missing: true’ option.
  3. Use ‘change_multiple_column_values’ to create the rest of the labels.
  4. Delete the new item from step 2.

The problem with this is that I still have the existing labels that are created by default with the column. I haven’t found a way to delete them or just change them rather than creating new ones. If there’s no way to do this it’s a major problem and please consider this a feature request!

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Hello there,

Matias here!

As of today there is no way of deleting specific labels via API.

I have added your vote for this request :slightly_smiling_face:

If it gets implemented, it will be announced in our changelog.



Great, looking forward to that. In the meantime can I change the index of the existing labels. or can I assign the index as I create them? The idea here would be to put the newly created labels at the top of choices. Thanks for all your help.

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Hello again @Janssen,

When you create a new Status label, it will follow the default index value and its index will not change. You can not change the index of existing labels or assign the index when you create them.

I will add your vote for this request as well!



I would like this feature to be implemented as well! Currently doing the same steps as @Janssen but too bad i cant delete the default labels

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Thanks for saying so. The API is robust in many ways and adding this small feature will make it possible build a column exactly to spec which will be fantastic.

Hello @Stan,

I have added your vote for this request :smile:

Thanks for the feedback!



I’d like the add my vote as well, it would be extremely useful to change the default labels via the API. Thank you.

Hello @vchan, I have added your vote!

Thank you for the feedback!

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My vote too please.

Hello there @Jordan.Hyslop,

I have added your vote :grin:

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Nothing yet?.. How much would it be for +1.000.000 votes sir? Do you accept cryptocurrency?

I would have to check that with our finance team @Osodarck :laughing:

We do not have updates on this but if we do in the future, we will announce it for everyone!

@Matias.Monday It started as a joke :grin:, but now I think this could be a great idea. On the vote system you could add a button to identify how many people would be willing to pay for a new feature, and then your commercial could list leads and compare development costs and share it among the people who want it. Monday would pay for a X percent and the rest by the community. Like a “Monday GoFoundMe”. What do you think? :upside_down_face:

Hello again @Osodarck !

That sounds interesting! I have sent it to our team so that they can evaluate it :smile:

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