Choose multiple column in integration sentence

Ho team !
2 questions (:

  1. How can I build an integration sentence with the option to choose more than one column in the sentence?
    For example:
    When status changed, delete the information in [those columns].
    when [those columns] are the columns that the user choose in the integration sentence.

  2. How can I build an integration sentence with the option to choose between 3 operations options in the sentence?
    For example:
    When status changed, [delete, copy, change] the information in this column.
    when [delete, copy, change] are kind of predefined enum values by myself (that are similar for all users), that the user choose one of them in the integration sentence.

Will be happy for your help!

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At the moment, you can do the second but not the first.
Here is the documentation on how to do the second point.

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You can achieve the first one with a custom automation.

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@rob what do you mean by custom automation? I want it to be in the Custom action part of the integration.
Can you please explain what did you mean?

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@kolaai Thanks
The values most be fetched from a server endpoints? I can’t defined it in ahead somewhere?

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You can by clicking on “Add”.

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@rob Hi!
I will be happy for your kind response regarding the custom automation (:

With a custom automation you can use multiple columns as trigger (in AND condition) and multiple actions.

@Baruhshmil do you want to just add two clickable fields in the sentence, each one being a column the user can choose?

If that is the case, what would prevent you from just adding 2 column inout fields?

I feel like I might be misunderstanding or missing something here.

Looking forward to hearing from you :slightly_smiling_face:
