Multiple triggers for an action using automations

Is there a way to have multiple triggers for an action in an automation? I have multiple columns that need to be approved. I want to be able to say “if any of these columns have changed to approved, notify this person.” Right now I have to make an individual automation for each individual column and it’s rather messy.

Hi @chen! We will be rolling this out with our dynamic recipes that should be released in Q1 of this year :slight_smile: Stay tuned here and at Work OS: the visual platform that manages everything! Cheers!

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Hi @lauralev, will we have the opportunity to Beta test the dynamic recipes?

Hi there. Has there be any updates on this as it would be a great feature to have? I have labs enabled but I don’t see anything relating to this feature but maybe I’m looking in the wrong place?

What I’m looking for is a way to run an automation if two variables are met. For example, say an activity is approved and needs the support of another department. I want to use an automation to notify that department but only if the status is approved and the department is tagged.

So if X and Y are true do Z

Is that possible?

Keep in mind that it is possible to combine multiple automations to create a desired effect. In this case it all depends on how you tagg your departments. Is it a people column, dropdown or status column?

Hi Thomas. Thank you for your spy response. The way my board is structured is I’m using a checkbox column to indicate when an activity is approved and another checkerboard to indicate whether a departmental support is required.

These could easily be status columns if needed but as there’s really only yes and no, I figured checkbox columns was best.

In terms of how I setup my automation, I’m not been able to find an example that does what I need and the beta builder’s missing features like IF/AND/OR.

But based on what I’ve described, above, is what I want to achieve possible and if so, how would I best setup the automations? Any help, pointers or advise would be hugely appropriated and thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Ok, shouldnt be that hard. Convert aproval from checkbox to status column, do the same for department support. It doesnt matter if it is just “yes/No”, you can make the columns super narrow. The reason we want them as status columns is that we can use these two columns to update a third column, which we use to trigger the notifications.

You want to find the automation “When a status changes to something and another status is(/is not) something else, change a third status to something.”

Create all the combinations you need and then use the third status column with the automation “When a status changes to something, notify someone.”

Good luck!

Hi Thomas-Omnatis.

Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction and your suggestion works! I ended up having to create two automation actions to cover both outcomes (X and Y = as well as Y and X = Z) which isn’t ideal and I’m sure the folks at are working to improve/add logic to the backend system.

But at least I’m able to achieve what I wanted so a big thank you for that. It’s very much appreciated.



Hey @CloudDweller! So glad @Thomas-Omnitas’s suggestion worked for you! We don’t have an ETA for when this functionality you mentioned might roll out, but I’d be happy to pass this feedback on to our automations team. Let us know if you have any other questions :+1: