Choose what "people" column i want to show in "My Work"

It would be great if it was possible to:

  • Choose what “People” column i want to show in “My Work”. Just like we can do on “status column” and “date column”.

It would be even greater if it also was possible to:

  • Choose a setup for one board multiple times.

Example: I am an “Owner” in one people column and that is linked to a specific “Status” column. But i am also an “Approver” in another people column that is linked to a different “Status” column.

In this example it is preferred to be able to see the items that you are a “owner” of if there is work to be done. And to see the items that you are a “approver” of if there is something sent to approval.
Today you will have all items in “My work” regardless of what people column you are in.

We need this too.

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It seems like this enhancement request has been posted numerous times over at least the past four years. This solution would be extremely helpful. We also utilize a column to keep applicable people “in the know” rather than assigning them a task, but it’s a pain given the My Work situation among other reasons I was told by support to utilize the tagging feature in Updates, but that isn’t helpful considering I want to be able to look at all tasks where I’m listed in the “In the know” column and then filter by other columns.

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Hopefully this will get on monday roadmap. It is good to know that we are not the only one who need this feature.