Column Reset Function

A complete reset option will be implemented in each column, allowing users to clear all content in that column with a single click. This feature is particularly useful for situations where quick resets or clean-ups are needed without having to manually delete data one by one.


  • Reset Option: Each column will have a visible option that allows users to delete all content in the column, leaving it blank.
  • One-Click Functionality: Pressing the reset option will immediately erase all information stored in the column.
  • Safety: A confirmation prompt will be included to prevent accidental data deletion.

Hey @Josue-cespedes - while I like the idea of a simple clearing mechanisms, you can “sort of” do this today but hitting Ctrl+A (on a PC), this will select all items on the board, then hitting the “x” in the column while all records are selected, which clears the column for all items.

What this is missing is the confirmation dialogue, however the Undo prompt is made immediately afterwards allowing the user to undo the action.


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