Combining Progress Tracking with Check Box

Hello Monday Team!

I think a cool combination would be to combine the CheckBox column with Progress Tracking.
For now, you can only combine a Status Column with Progress Tracking.

But Imagine it is much easier to use Checkbox and See Progress.
I hope my Feature Request gets an approval.

Yes, I agree completely. I suppose I could use a Status column instead of a check box, but for Yes/No type values, a checkbox makes more sense.

Even for Yes/No, we still tend to use Status columns. One, because the large color coding makes the value more obvious immediately when scanning the rows, and two, because you can automate a ton of things off of a Status column that you can’t do with a checkbox. Even if you don’t need an automation now, you may want one down the road.


I think this is exactly what we are looking for here: a way to have an automation based on the value of a checkbox. I have been searching through the forums looking for a way to automatically change the Status of a pulse to Complete when the checkbox is clicked.

One of the problems that I do see, every if we were able to automate this, is to put a Status back to its previous state when it is “unchecked.” Some of the tasks we have are fairly simple to complete - a checkbox makes sense. If we could simply change the Status by clicking the checkbox, we can then simply have a quick count of completed items (5 of 7 complete). Otherwise, we have to count total Status where they are only Complete. Same result, same effort; where it can become an issue is when a review of the items turns up to show the item isn’t really complete and needs changed to Needs Review. I can’t currently just uncheck the checkbox and change the status or change the status and uncheck the box through automations. It would be nice to have a simplistic way of doing this.