Conditional automations and All Subitems

My workflow goal is as follows:

  1. When an item is created, 3 subitems are created: Approval from Dept 1, Approval from Dept 2, Approval form Dept 3
  2. When the status of all 3 approvals changes to “Complete” the item’s status changes to “Approved”
  3. Someone completes the work on the task and manually changes the status to “Ready for Review”
  4. Status change to “Ready for Review” automatically creates 3 subitems: Reviewed by Dept 1, Reviewed by Dept 2, Reviewed by Dept 3
  5. When the status of all 3 reviews changes to “Complete” the item’s status changes to “Complete”

I am able to get through step 4 using automations. The problem I am running into is that I cannot add another condition using the “all subitems” automation.

I really need to create the two automations:

“When all subitems of an item have the subitem Status of Complete and item Status is Incoming, change the item’s Status to Approved.”

“When all subitems of an item have the subitem Status of Complete and item Status is Ready for Review, change the item’s Status to Complete.”

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hard co-sign. this would streamline multi-step tasks exponentially

I am not sure what you mean by this. Could you explain more please?

I was just saying that I agreed with you. alot. I think there might be a way to do what you’re suggesting though (if you haven’t already figured it out).

Unfortunately not. I’ve had a few discussion with customer service employees, and we have not found a solution.

I suspect that your issue is larger, but you can partially solve this by chaining automations. Here is one example of this (the other would work in much the same way).

Automation #1:
When all subitems of an item have the subitem Status of Complete, change the item’s Approver (status) to “Approve :gear:

Automation #2:
When Approver (status) changes to “Approve :gear:
And only if Status is Incoming

Change Status to Approved

Essentially you’re using a status column as a chain between the automations which allows you to use a custom recipe with additional conditions.

This is a nice idea, but how do you set up an automation to run when “all subitems status changes”? What I see is that you can rely on status change of a subitem column, but I see no way to check all the statuses.