Would like the ability to check for multiple statuses in the “When all subitems of an item have the status of something, change the item’s status to something” automation template. For example, “when all subitems of an item have the status of DONE or SKIPPED…”
Hi @rhys.barrie-mcc - this is a common limitation we run into. To get around this, you could create an additional (hidden) status column at the subitem level (let’s call it “Done Status”). Then, create a set of automations to change Done Status to “DONE” depending on the options chosen. The “Done Status” then triggers the change to the parent item.
For example:
When subitem Status changes to DONE, then set Done Status to DONE
When subitem Status changes to SKIPPED then set Done Status to DONE
When all subitems have a Done Status = DONE, set items Status to DONE
Hope this helps!
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