Connecting more than 50 boards to a dashboard

My organisation would like to see that it’s possible to connect more than 50 boards to 1 dashboard. We want to use a projectmanagement tool like Monday for overall insights in our organisation. Because of this it is for us neccesary to be able to connect all over our individuel project plannings (boards) to 1 overall dashboard. Only in this way it’s possible for us to get insights in the total workload for our employees and organisation and the agenda of our organisation (when will we be very busy and when not).

Hi @Demi_Customeyes, take a look at our app Master Data - Mint Consulting. I use it internally to manage daily timelogs for multiple teams (which I should really be using a workload report for :sweat_smile:). It doesn’t have connection limits :).

Bruce Gosk |
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