Convert Parent Summary Field to Standard When There are No Subtasks

A project may have tasks, and then tasks with subtasks.

I want to be able to use Show Summary on Parent Item (Status) for tasks that have subtasks, but have that Status field convert to a non summary field when there are no subtasks.

Otherwise, I need to have duplicate fields for status, Start Date, End Date, Estimated Hours and virtually any other field I need to track.

This is vital for a true PM application.

hi @JP_atNYU

Welcome to the community! The show summary function creates a new column in the parent items which is a special type of mirror column. Although the function to summarize to parent is great, you can’t do much with that special column. It can’t be used in automations, nor can it be used to hold information if there are no subitems.

That is why we created an app called Rollup Subitems. It rolls up the subitem column to a parent using normal monday columns. See also Use Mirroring With Automation - #55 by basdebruin and Merged mirror columns for items with no subtasks - #5 by basdebruin.

MJore details of this app can be found here: 25|Rollup Subitems - Excellent Team The documentation and screenshots are work in progress :slight_smile: