Convert Shareable Boards into normal ones and viceversa

Hi everyone.

I’ve created an extensive board and put a lot of work into it. Now it turns out that I need to share it with some guests, so I need the board to be a shareable board. Is there any way to do that after I’ve already created the board? I’ve only found a way to create a new shareable board, but I don’t want to type in all the information once again.

Glad for any help


There is a way to convert board from one type to the other from board settings menu. Just click on 3 dots in right upper corner and select “Change Board Type”

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Thank you so much! Yeah that works. I was confused because in the german translation the shareable board isn’t called the same thing in that option compared to when you create a new board.

Hey @editarr

Thanks for letting us know about the translation, we’ll take a closer look and update the translation.

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